Steam Humidifiers
Anden steam humidifiers are designed to help cultivators maximize yield and optimize plant health. The Steam Humidifier with fan pack delivers reliable steam humidification to your grow room, capable of adding up to 277 pints (34.6 gallons) of moisture per day. This unit distributes steam evenly throughout your space, using a dedicated, built-in fan pack that is powered by the humidifier itself. This allows for ductless installation, making it a versatile option for any space that needs tight humidity control.
The Anden Dehumidifier line is designed for cultivation from the ground up. It utilizes innovative Variable-Speed, Low Grain Refrigerant Technology (VLGR patented) to deliver maximum performance and efficiency throughout the grow cycle. That means you can maximize your moisture removal capacity and maintain tight control over Vapor Pressure Deficit during late flower cultivation by modulating the refrigeration system to match the load.
This sophisticated system modulates the speed of dehumidification based on the precise load conditions of your grow environment, allowing for robust VPD performance across all grow conditions. The variable speed refrigeration system keeps your dehumidifiers running during the challenging late flower stage where single-speed dehumidifiers require frequent defrost cycles. This increases capacity, efficiency, and most importantly, the stability of your grow environment.